If you have followed my madness .... you may rememember I was telling a story of the wonderful things that have happened to me! Inspiration has seeped into my soul ... lol... omgosh! how dramatic .... and I'm not sure how long it will last, but while I have it, I am planning to make good use of it! I hope you do the same with your Inspiration! I was telling you about ..........
SOMETHING!: Since I've been on vacation, I'm reconnecting with old friends. Last week I had lunch & shopping with a Dear Friend! We stopped at the book store. As usual, I headed for the baking aisle... found a stool ... browsed for a colorful book ( yes, I'm that simple that colors attract me!) Can't resist brown & pink so I picked up the book and just from the cover ... I could feel the bubbling start! I sat down, placed the book in my lap and slid my hand over the smooth paper cover. Ok, I have to describe it this way because you have to understand my excitement! ; ) When I flipped the book over, OMGOSH!! I just knew the pictures in the book were going to get me going! I could only hope it had a Centerfold!! LOL!!! No, it wasn't that kind of a book, but for me ... it might as well have been! I am so glad I am writing this down because to say it out loud would just make me sound ..... CRAZY!! (which we all know I am not ... ). Anyway, I finally opened the cover and exhileration coursed through me, already, at the sight of the simple flowers ... then ... I couldn't stop myself from running my fingers around the scalloped edges of the pages! Yes, can you believe it? SCALLOPED EDGES!!! As I flipped throught the pages, I knew I had to have this book! The need to try a new recipe .... copy someone else's .... & inspire so many more ideas of my own has been lacking in my life for a long while now. But this Book!! Omgosh ... I had to have it! **sounds of plates crashing or breaks screeching or whatever sound you hear that slams you back into reality** $30!! What?? for a book? With reluctance & sadness, I put it back. Not that I wouldn't have spent that ... I just had to think about it. I know ... anticlimactic, huh? We all thought this was going to be a Happy ending! Well ... Hold on! There's more! Just then, my friend comes around the corner and sees the look on my face, whips out her cell phone and looks it up! Half Price including S&H! I Love Her!! Ok, I'm as furious as the next that books & bookstores are becoming a thing of extinction. The smell & library atmosphere of a bookstore is a total turn on, but when they raise the prices so high ... well ... they sort of force us to sneak around the back alleys, looking for that sweet deal that can't be beat! I don't do it all the time, actually, this was the first, but I'm afraid that it's probably not going to be the last. So, Yes, I went right home and ordered that book online. I can't wait for it to get here!
By now you have to be wondering what the name of this Book Of Books is called and what it looks like! Well, no pics yet, but the name is "miette" by Meg Ray w/Leslie Jonath. Go ahead .. look it up .. and when you do, look at the cute little video Ray made that just oozes inspiration.... the imagination runs wild ...
On my way home ... my mind was reeling with what I was going to whip up first ... something creative & a little challenging! At home, Kylee says, "Beck, when you going to make some s'mores?" well, so much for challenging, but I enjoy making them because Ky Loves them! Very quick & easy.
32 squares of graham crackers
8 X-large marshmallows, cut in half
16 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
16 graham cracker squares. |
Now THATS a marshmallow! |
Cut marshmallows in half. |
Yep! Those are Peanut Butter Cups! |
Melt in oven ... 5 minutes. |
One day, Kylee & I saw these Marshmallows ... HUGE! With my LOVE for marshmallows & her LOVE of S'mores ... It was a match made in HEAVEN! There's a regular size marshmallow in the middle... but I ate 'em all! Who knew I was going to be taking pictures??
Lay out 16 graham crackers on parchment. Remember marshmallows are messy!
Cut the X-Large marshmallow in half and place on graham square.
Place a peanut butter cup on each one. You can use chocolate bars, but this is so much tastier.
Melt in oven for 5 minutes to get them nice & Gooey!
Place the remaining 16 crackers on top. Return to oven for 5 minutes. Gently press. The Gooey marshmallow & peanut butter cup will SQUISH & hold together.
These can hold up for a couple of days. Eat them cold or return them to the oven or microwave for a few minutes to melt them again. DO NOT!! I repeat ... Do Not try to eat them in one sitting! Kylee & I tried this the first time I made them .... UGH!! Made ourselves SICK! I'd like to say lesson learned ... but, you know ... I can't resist marshmallows & she can't resist S'mores! What are you gonna do??
Happy Baking ...... & don't forget your Apron!
MMMMM s'mores! Is it crazy that I have never made a s'more in the oven? I think I'm going to have to try it! And the addition of the reese's makes this recipe sound irresistible! Have you ever tried using saltine crackers instead of graham crackers?