I SURVIVED!! I made it through 5 weeks of vacation! HA! You may snort in derision and think I'm a fool .... but, really, 5 weeks is a lot of time to fill when you're trying not to sit on the couch and watch T.V.. Maybe not much has changed, (except hopefully my outlook & attitude) but I did treat this Summer differently than any of the other summers I have had off. I kept myself busy with my invisible list of INTENTIONS ... I cleaned half of my room, but got rid of a lot of stuff. I never got to the garage, cleaning a hot, sweaty box didn't sound like fun! yuck. I didn't drop a dress size, but I did manage to lose 8 pounds and reached the weight that it says on my Drivers License! LOL!! How many of you can say that?? (never mind ... don't you worry yourself about what that # is... besides, I was young when I got it ... didn't know you could lie about your weight on it! ) I upped my walking distance from 3mi. to 4 ... sometimes twice a day! (I had to work off them brownies! I ate them ALL!!) (not to mention the Wolf Whistles do Wonders for the self esteem! ;D ) I only made 1 apron... have 2 now to post. I went on a couple of dates ... they were fun & really nice guys, but no Love Connection. But, I think the best parts were seeing my old friends! Some of them more than once. Some, I wish more than once. No matter how Crappy things may seem to me, I'm always thankful that there's at least one person out there that I can make smile (and, of course, vice versa!) Thank you, all, for being my Friend! Most importantly, I made my quota of 5 BLOGS!!! (counting this one.) HA! It was close there, I know! Oh, Yeah!! I almost forgot to tell you ... Bexbayx is now on FB! So, if you have a FB account, search Bexbayx under cooking/kitchen. Please, Like Me! ; ) I want a URL address so I can post it on my blog! (I want to thank, Robert, for helping me figure the particulars out! You're a Good Kid!) <3 All in all .... a Great Summer!!
Tomorrow, I go back to school ... I mean work ... I say school because those kids teach me something new every day. I'm excited & a little sad. My Boss & Very good Friend will not be there to greet me with her Beautiful Smiling Face & Wonderful Hug. (even as I type this, the tears flow... don't think I will ever get used to it.) On the bright side, I have worked with my new Boss over the Summer & I'm Happy to say that we get along Fabulously! I really like her and it may be a little scary to say that out of the two of us .... I may be the Sane One!! LoL!! Crazy, eh?? She said that I keep her focused and on track! HaHa... yeah, that made me laugh, too! It's going to be a Great year! (WoW! I just had a thought! This will be my 10th Year! whoo.... time flies when you enjoy what you do.) Seriously, though, having so much time off makes you so Thankful that you have a job to go back to. I feel for those who don't have that luxury ... I'm Lucky I do!
So, by now, you're saying, "Be Quiet, Already, and get to the Recipe!!!" Alright, keep your pants on! Well, actually, You're going to SCREAM at me .... I have no recipe. I had a Great one & I had it all written out and then I went to look for my pics. Well, you see, this last week, something happened to my phone and I lost all of my music ..... and apparently all of my data!! luckily, I downloaded my pics to my laptop, but, here's the kicker ... I don't know if the cake pics were part of that transfer. Guess what?? I can't find them anywhere! BUT!! I did find the Lemon Berry Cake pics (from the last blog) ...... which gives me hope that they are in there! Somewhere. So, here they are and Please, forgive me. No excuses, but, if you go back to my first blogs... you WILL find a statement in there that says I AM NOT ORGANIZED!!! .... I need help.... any takers?
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5 minutes of mixing? makes for a very thick batter! Smell the Lemon?? |
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Poking Allowed! Gotta open up them POURS! haha... get it?? |
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You see .... You POUR the berry juice into the holes! tsk ... it's not funny If I have to explain it to you ..... |
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Lots of Peaks! White?? .... how boring ... |
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It doesn't take a lot to please me! a few colorful sprinkles & I'm Happy! .... doesn't have to be fancy. <3 |
Happy Baking ............... & Don't forget your Apron!
I've come to realize that there are two different types of cooking and baking blogs. Type One: the type only read by bakers and cooks looking for a recipe, because that's all there is, recipes. Type Two: the type written by a baker/cook with scrumptious sounding recipes, an infectious smile, and who is really good at telling stories. You most definitely fall into category two. Keep on bloggin'!