Yes, you heard me right ... I said ... PM,S! ... it stands for Pamper Me, Sweetie! Let's face it, all us women go through a certain Cranky time of the month and sometimes, the cravings can be out of this world! I'm not one of those women who divulge womanly secrets that are, most times, best kept to ourselves, but I stumbled upon something and I just have to share it! If you guys are listening out there, pay attention, because you won't get insight like this very often. Most times, we just let you guess at what's going on. Stop nodding your heads ... we can't control it, either! But, before you do your little calculations (and you know you do) and run off to play that game of golf, have a few beers with the guys or just plain ol' 'get outta Dodge', try making these cookies for your girl! This is not a recipe that you can do together, you'll probably just get in her way, but you CAN score big brownie points if you bake them for her. And no, copying down the recipe for her is not enough... No matter how many hearts you dot the i's with. I'm going to share a recipe that will cover most common cravings that just may soothe that Tasmanian Devil whirling inside us women at least 3 days a month. Hahaha .... 3 days ....
I've said that I wasn't one of those women, but I've met many who are. I guess I am lucky enough to have one of those faces and personalities that encourages people to open up about things. Secret things. Things even I don't want to hear. But, I just smile, nod my head and politely make my comments so they don't think they are alone. I'll spare you the details, but the things that always fascinate me are the CRAVINGS! I've heard some doozies, like spoonfuls of mustard, Peanut butter on chips, one told me that she has to have Tuna on Graham crackers! YUCK!! Ok, that's crazy. But, the most common cravings are Chocolate, Potato Chips, pickles and anything with sugar. I, myself, frequent my local 7-11 to get Vinegar & Salt chips or find the nearest lemon tree with salt shaker in hand and sit under it, but my favorite is when someone asks, "What happened to the pickle juice??" LOL!!! That cracks me up! I'm 45! Noone has figured out that mystery in all these years?? It's not new!
Ok, so when I started experimenting with this recipe, I had my doubts. I actually, almost quit in the middle and threw it all away... thinking to myself "What are you doing? Are you Nuts??" But, I just put on my headphones, cranked it and let my mind go. Whatever I was feeling at the time must have transfered itself into what I was baking and surprisingly, came out pretty good.... considering what's in them.
(Pamper Me, Sweetie! Cookies)
1/4 cup lime or lemon juice
1/2 stick of margarine
3 cups of flour
2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp baking soda
2 cups of crushed potato chips
2 cups of mini chocolate chips
1/2 c shortening
1/2 cup margarine
1 cup sugar
1 whole egg
1 egg yolk
2 cups of powdered sugar
lemon or lime juice
Preheat oven to 350*. Heat lime juice for about 5 minutes, then put in 1/2 stick of margarine (1/4 cup) to melt. Set aside and let cool. Crush potato chips and set aside.
Whisk flour, cream of tartar and baking soda together.
In mixer, cream shortening, 1/2 cup margarine and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs and cooled lime mixture until just blended. It will look curdled. Add flour and mix on medium speed just until incorporated. Remove mixer wand and add potato chips and mini chocolate chips. Stir by hand to mix it all in.
Drop onto parchment in 1/4 cup scoops, they will spread a little, so space apart about 2 inches. Bake for about 15 minutes. or until browning around edges. Let cool for 5 minutes on pan then move to cooling rack with foil lined underneath the rack. Not on the rack.
Mix 2 cups of powdered sugar with enough juice to make a runny icing. When you hold up the spoon, it will stream down in a nice flow. Spoon icing over warm cookies in a nice curling pattern or back and forth, not glopped on top. Let it cool. It will harden a little and soak into the cookie.
Sounds Gross, huh? lol.... well, I wasn't so sure about them, either. However, the people I asked to try them said they were soothing and pretty tasty! And I even threatened them to tell me the truth!! lol... just kidding! Funny enough, though, the guys weren't too fond of them ... in fact, most only took a bite. The Girls ate the whole thing & they are All Gone! Go figure.

Happy Baking .................& Don't forget your Apron!
I love reading you're posts, they make me laugh! I am quite intrigued by the multitude of ingredients in these cookies, I think I need to bake them sometime!
ReplyDeletePlease do, Marley! Add your own stuff and make them better .... just share it with me! LOL! You've been a busy reader, this week! I Love that you leave me comments .... your comments warm my HEART!! Thank you! I hope all is well with you and that you made it through that danged old Hurricane Irene! ~bexbayx
ReplyDeleteHow weird!! I can't comment on my own blog! What the???