Aaahhhh, Fall!! When a young girl's fancy turns to Love! ... No, wait! ... that's a young man's fancy at Spring, isn't it? What's the saying for Fall?? Aww... forget it! The point is ... It's Fall ... and I can feel the change in the air! Is it Love? Is it just a Fancy?? LoL! Nah, it's LOVE! I LOVE the Fall! I can't describe it with justice, but I'll try!
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There's nothing like the changing of the leaves. Even in Sunny California. |
When I think of Fall, I think of a new beginning. Most think of New Year's Day as a new beginning. Nope. Ever since I was a kid, perhaps it started in Kindergarten, I have loved the feeling of the changing weather, the leaves gently falling from the trees from our Oak Tree lined streets. The way the leaves crunched and stuck under my black & white saddle shoes (still talking about Kindergarten here.) as I walked home from school, dancing and skipping while I told my big brother about my day on our walk home. We'd make a game of stepping on the most sticky leaves to pile up on my soles and when we reached home, he'd lift me up under my arms and I'd stick my feet straight out while his friends removed my shoes and handed them to me. I'd run in the house holding my shoes like a prize to show whomever was there to gush over my trophy. LoL! The things you remember! Every year since then I couldn't (and still) can't wait for the new fall clothes and shoes to come out. A new chance to reinvent myself, my look. I still get excited at the sight of school supplies lined up in bulk boxes in stores... a new box of crayons, bright colored markers, colorful pencils and OMGOSH! don't get me started on all the different types of papers ... I'm talking loose leaf AND binder variety, here! All of these images floating around in my head are tied up in a pretty little package called..... Fall! And even though those beautiful, changing trees are few and far between in crowded suburban California, those shoes are no longer in my size and my brother definitely cannot lift me up under my arms..... the feelings are buried deep within my Heart, still.
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I fell in LOVE with this pic! It so reminded me of the old days! Wanna jump in? Thanks, Jeanine! |
What does this have to do with baking? Hmmm.... you seem to ask that alot. My Dad was a big fan of having breakfast for dinner, tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches, bean & cheese burritos, biscuits and gravy, meat & gravy over mashed potatoes & bread (which, in the Navy, he called sh** on a shingle) lol... I had no idea why he laughed every time I asked him If we were having that for dinner? Who knew I had such a Sailor's Mouth at such a young age! LoL! The point is .... I grew up with Comfort Food. Although, I still get excited when I see the school supplies at the beginning of Fall ... I also get as equally excited at seeing the baking displays when I walk into a grocery store! The flours, sugars, canned milks, nuts, vanilla & all the little bits & pieces that you can throw in to create so many different combinations ... just from a few common ingredients! The feelings overwhelm me and as the goosebumps & warm fuzzies spread through me, I'm transported back to that little girl that had such a Lucky & Happy childhood!
Comfort food is one thing. Comfort desserts are another. Comfort Desserts have the ability to, (**sorry Robert, I HAVE to quote you to get my point across) as my nephew would say, ".... roll around on your tongue and make love to your taste buds." He has quite the way with words, he does. LoL! Comfort desserts make you close your eyes and savor every flavor you are experiencing. There is total silence at first as you feel the texture, the essences that float through your olfactories to gently kiss your brain. Before you know what's happening, a low, rumbling 'mmmmm' escapes you and your eyes slowly open .... a little embarrassed and flushed faced .... as a satisfied smile spreads across your face. Shyly, you push that small crumb back onto your tongue, not wanting to waste it on your napkin. You sighhhh, and go back in for more.
A bit much, maybe, but you have all had that experience at one time or another. If you haven't.... I'm sorry! Maybe you haven't had the right dessert! Cheesecake has this effect on me EVERY time. but ONLY homemade Cheesecake. It's so versatile .... you can mix in any flavors, textures, cover it with any sauce, sprinkle it with nuts, glop on whipped cream, dip it in chocolate, or just eat it plain. After that, You'll never look at Cheesecake the same way again! .... and if you don't, then I've done my Job! ha!
In a Peanut Butter & Banana mood ..... that is the theme of my cheesecake! Oh, Come On!! Dont tell me you've never had a Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich?? ..... Good Grief! .... What kind of an ELVIS fan are you??? Well, then, you can be a little more sophisticated by having the flavors in a Cheesecake. I'll figure out how to get you to try it in a sandwich another time........
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Baking with a waterbath helps the cake stay nice & flat. Be careful and don't bump it! It just might fall! |
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1/3 cup white sugar
1/2 cup butter, melted
1/4 cup chopped Pecans
3/ 8 oz. pkgs. cream cheese, softened
1 cup Peanut butter
1 1/4 cups white sugar
3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
5 eggs
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Ok! I got carried away with the decorating! It's CHEESECAKE, for Gosh Sakes! |
1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
2 bananas, mashed
Candied Pecans or regular Pecans
Preheat oven to 400 degrees F (200 degrees C). Lightly coat the bottom of a 10 inch cake pan with spray and cut out a parchment the size of the circle. Place parchment on oil spray. Water bath: Fill a pan with water 1/2 way and put in the bottom of the oven. It will keep moisture in the cheesecake. To make the crust: Combine 1 1/2 cups flour, 1/3 cup sugar and 1/2 cup butter or margarine. Mix with fork until crumbly. Sprinkle on bottom of pan. In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, Peanut Butter and 1 1/4 cups sugar. Cream on med. low. Add 3 tablespoons flour. Mix. One at a time, beat in 5 eggs and mix thoroughly. Add cream and mix only enough to blend. Gently stir in mashed bananas and Pecans. Pour filling over crust and bake for 10 minutes at 475 degrees F. Reduce temperature to 300 degrees F and continue to bake for one hour. Turn oven off, but leave cake in for another hour. Don't worry if it looks a little jiggly in the center. Chill overnight. This is imperative! If desired, top with your favorite fruit or serve plain. Remember, the longer a cheesecake sits.... the better it tastes. enjoy.
Oh Becky, you out did yourself this time! You took me back to my childhood, brought me excitement with the thought of school supplies (I love new crayons!) and holiday baking supplies and now I sit with my mouth watering for either a piece of that cheesecake or a grilled cheese or fried peanut butter banana sandwich! Thank you so much for sharing your blog, I look forward to reading every single one!