Baking is a lot like life; follow the directions, add a dash of spice, a pinch of zest, sprinkle with sugar and all is sweet in the end!



Ok, so I still need to work on the procrastination thing! Obviously! I meant to get this out before the beginning of the new year........ but I didn't! C'mon....... you should know me by now!! New Year, New attitude and I'm going to try really hard and work on that ... um...... what was it again? ....... oh, yeah, PROCRASTINATION! So, here's what should have gone out a few days ago......OK! about a week ago!. I'm saying it now......... I'm going to put out at least 1 blog a month (if not more)! No resolutions..... they don't work for me.... Does this count as my first blog???


So there are just a few short days before the end of the year and I couldn't possibly tell you all that I have learned about myself & about baking, since starting my blog in January. But you know I'm going to try!

The first and biggest thing I've learned is how much I enjoy writing! Whether anyone reads it or not, I enjoy putting my (sometimes, nutty) thoughts down in words. I have enjoyed the many comments and posts to bexbayx, Facebook, texts & personally. Thank you so very much for your support and genuine interest in what I have to say & bake! You have touched my Heart and boosted my spirits, just by your kind words and I will always remember them when I need them again and again.

I have to tell you ........ my whole point of starting this was to find my Passion for Baking once again! Have I? You Betcha!! ... and then some. I've not only found what makes me happy when my hands are elbows deep in flour & sugar, but I've also discovered that others cannot control how I feel & what is inside of Me! I Love creating sweets, whether I eat them, make them for others, give them away or throw them away ..... I do it for ME!! I will admit that I have played it safe in creating things that I know I do well. I've stuck to what I know, even though I want to branch out and try somethings I've never tried before. Will I? Of course, I will! A new year is blossoming and I still have to try out my newfound INSPIRATION on  the unknown! Yes! Did you forget about the Best Book In the World?? It continues to INSPIRE me and, believe me, you will hear more about it and others in the new year to come.

This year has been stop and go in the baking department.... and even though there were a few months where I wrote nothing, that does not mean I wasn't baking. Unfortunately, a lot of things got left out. Good ones, too! So, if you were the STAR of those blogs... I'm sorry! I will feature you next year..... I Promise!! I'm posting pics with short recaps of what should have been blogs.

Thank you, ALL, once again for your kind words, encouragement and support in my journey to finding....... umm.... what did I find ........ oh, yeah! I found my LOVE FOR BAKING once again and in a whole new light. Not to mention all that I learned about myself along the way. It's been very enlightening and Super Fun! Looking forward to more changes in the future!

I want to wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR and please, follow your dreams... even if you never find them..... we all need something to look forward to and the journey brings so many wonderful surprises along the way!

My niece, Crystal, tackles her first BIG cake!
Isn't it Fantastic?? I was so Proud of her! ... I helped just a
little with the doggie on top.

Was this just this year?? My how time flies!
Jayden introduced his little brudder, Silas, to everyone!

I thought these two faces looked just like Jayden & Silas!
......... they still do!!

I'm so Jealous!! Crystal has a better hand than I do!
Of course, I'm kidding...... She does Amazing work!

Crystal was so proud of her cake and I was/am proud of her.

This is my nephew Robert's Luau cake. Wait....... I don't think
that was this year! How did that get in there? oh, well, next to
is Gina's Lemon cake & Dom's Triple Chocolate Mocha cake.
That was a BIG party!

The Best little INSPIRATION book!
Love, Love, Love this book!

Even the front page is ADORABLE!! And the scalloped edges??
OMGOSH!! So Cute!! My fingers have papercuts from
running them along the scallops........

In case you were wondering what my kitchen looks like........
aw, just teasin' ya! ....... don't I wish! How could you not be
Happy all the time with a kitchen like this??? It's the back cover
of the Best INSPIRATION book in the world.

.......and I thought I was being clever by using a meat cleaver
to pound peanut butter cookies! Just goes to show..............
Great minds think alike!

My Great nephew, Silas's, 1st birthday! Look at his little hands,
all balled up and ready to squeeze that cupcake!

Please don't tell my niece, Kylee, that I put this in here! But,
it's not often that I can get her in the kitchen..... 18 year olds
are so finicky! and just look at how dirty Sweetie is..........
How embarassing!

Silas bit a perfect little bite out of that mini mini. So cute!
Then he stuffed the whole thing in his mouth! Don't you just
want to kiss him all up?? smooches!

I am so ashamed of this picture! It's the lowest i've ever had my jars!
.......and you know it killed me!
These hold about 6 lbs each and there's not even 1 lb in them!

Do you remember my story about recipes written on
papers all over the place? See the wrinkles, and the
oil spots and the scribbly writing?
Yep, this one is always at the ready.... mix it all
by hand........gently.

I don't know why I put this in here.... except that I Love
Meringue cookies!

I didn't bake very much for Christmas this year! Ha Ha..... you
think I'm kidding, don't you?! I always get carried away and i
only baked 9 types of cookies this year........... can you imagine??

Have you ever heard of Ben 10? Me neither. Basically he's
made of Methane..... I imagine he smells like a big fart!
Not the CAKE! The CHARACTER!! .... what's wrong
with you??

For the last time in 2011.......................
 Happy Baking & .................. don't forget your Apron!! ; )

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