Baking is a lot like life; follow the directions, add a dash of spice, a pinch of zest, sprinkle with sugar and all is sweet in the end!


Octagon Unleashed!!
 Are you a fan of MMA (Mixed Martial Arts)? Do you like UFC? Are you an avid watcher of Strikeforce? .... I'm probably going to get in trouble for saying this, but ..... I'm not! However, my nephew, Robert, is and I am a Big fan of his work! Awww... yeah, I know! You're probably wondering 'What does that have to do with baking?' Well ...I'm getting to that. Robert is a board operator for Angels Radio and also happens to be an aspiring on-air talent! In fact, he just landed a talk show (along with Jeremy, Allison & Meredith) on am830 KLAA called Octagon Unleashed and what a coincidence ... the very first show is tonight! (Quoting their webpage) Octagon Unleashed is a new MMA Show that is gonna feature on Angels Radio AM830, Sundays at 9p.m. pacific, on Jan. 30th. Discuss MMA world of UFC, Strikeforce, and all local up and coming fighters, local gyms to get training & more...

 Believe me, I could not put that string of words together on my own, if I tried! So, baking? Earlier this week, I was taking a na... I mean resting my eyes... and this little figure popped into my head! I do that sometimes, I dream about cakes and stuff... weird, I know. Anyway, the details were so clear and since I am such a Dork, I thought it would be neat if I made them as cookie favors for Octagon unleashed! Like, my nephew is still in elementary school, when in fact he is a mere 8 years younger than I. A full growed adult! haha... I made them anyway.

So, there I was... digging through scraps of paper, looking for the perfect Sugar Cookie recipe ... when I remembered I had it written down on Facebook! YAY! ... *papers back in the drawer.* I can't tell you where I got the recipe because I've had it for so long that I forgot. It's not my recipe, but I did modify it a bit. After I  mixed the dough and put it in the fridge to chill ... I looked for my gingerbread cookie cutter. Do you remember I said I was not organized? That goes for my cookie cutters, too! They are in a huge basket that I have had for a hundred years and every time I need one, I sit on the floor and dig through them... Ghaaa! There's got to be an easier way!

About 100 cookie cutters!

I was reading this Great blog (I can't find it, but i'll let ya know when I do) and it was all about washing cookie cutters. Hey! This is a Great time to do that! As if baking cookies weren't enough! So I started washing cookie cutters while I was mixing, cutting and baking Sugar cookies! I must have taken a Super Vitamin, because my energy didn't end. I thought it was crazy, but the idea is to wash them then put them on a cookie sheet and stick them in the oven! Yeah... in the oven! 5 minutes later ... Ta-Da! They're Dry! Metal cookie cutters have to be dried after washing because they will rust. I wish I had known this before.... I have had many cookie cutter funerals ... don't worry, I don't throw them away... I just don't use them anymore. 

Don't touch the cookie cutters right away. They're metal. HOT! Don't ask how I know, just don't do it!! Ok...   They're washed and dried ... what now?? Back into the basket? No Way! I, finally, found a use for those cute, coloful boxes that I got at the Dollar Tree and have had for months. I like to pick up things that I can use One Day ... especially if they are COLORFUL! ... and they were only $1, so why not get a few of them?? That's MY thinking, anyway! I got them all sorted into categories and they fit perfectly .... I just wish I had remembered the Giant Drawer-ful in the back room! EEGADS!! .... another day....

Back to the Cookies!! I always bake extra... just in case! Here are 2 to practice on. I had 4 but 2 disappeared ... hmmm... wonder where they went. Don't put your cup of ice water next to your cookies! This cookie turned to MUSH and his leg broke as I picked him up! ... had to eat him. haha...what do you think a cookie funeral is? Some of the Pecs & Abs look like Man Boobs & Rolls, but I did my best without a model to work from! teehee! Seriously, I was relieved that this project went smoothly. There will be others that won't. Robert loved them ... until he realized he had to share them with others and, of  course, just like a man .... didn't see the details until he ate half the cookie! 8 /

So, if you watch MMA, Strikeforce or other ... ah, who am I kidding? I can't pretend to know what I'm talking about! I do urge you to listen, though, because I may not know much about that fighting stuff, but my nephew is Dang Entertaining & he only works with the BEST! Look them up on Facebook & Don't forget to tune in tonight on live streaming at ~ Happy Baking .... & don't forget your Apron!

3 cups flour ~ add a little more if dough is sticky.      
1/2 cup corn starch
1 teaspoon salt                                                        
3/4 cup butter/margarine (1-1/2 sticks) room temp.
1/2 cup shortening                                                    
1 cup sugar
1 large egg                                                                
2 teaspoons vanilla
1/2 teaspoon almond extract (optional)

Whisk flour, starch & salt together. Set aside. Cream butter, shortening & sugar until light and creamy. about 5 minutes. Add rest of ingredients and mix for 1 minute. Add flour to wet mixture 1 cup at a time until incorporated. Divide dough in half, wrap and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Preheat oven to 350*. Dust counter with flour and roll dough out to 1/4 inch thick. Cut dough with shapes and place on a cookie sheet covered with parchment paper. Bake 10 to 15 minutes, depending on size of cookie. Smaller starts with less time. 


4 cups powdered sugar                                            
3 Tablespoons meringue powder
6+ Tablespoons of cold water (start with 6 & add more if needed).

Whip on High speed for 8 minutes, non-stop until you pull it up and icing form stiff peaks. Thin icing as used. Keep unused icing covered. To thin, add mere drops of water until desired consistency. Ice cookie as you see it. If this sounds complicated, it's not really. Just time consuming. I will break this down at a later date because it really is fun and I wouldn't want you to miss it! But, right now I've gone on Long Enough.... if you're even still here ...


Jumping in with Both Feet!

When I decided to do this blog, I didn't give myself much time to think about it. I had often thought of writing my thoughts and baking experiences down, but... short of buying cute little notebooks and collecting beautiful pens ... none of those thoughts ever made it to paper. I think! alot!  The problem I have is in following those thoughts. So, when I say I didn't give myself much time to think about it ... I mean: the idea popped into my head... I researched blogs ... I checked out other baking blogs .... then I jumped in with both feet!

Maybe the first thing you should know about me is ..... I am not ORGANIZED!! I have slips of paper with recipes, ideas & ingredients stashed all over the place. When I got a BlackBerry, I thought "YIPPEE! I will be organized forevermore and get an alert to boot!" LOL... Yeah, Right! After I jot down my Amazing thought ... the one that is IT... the Greatest Idea Ever ... do you think I go back to it?? LOL... BINGO! ... No, there are probably virtual cobwebs clogging the bells that are supposed to go off as an alert! What?? I was supposed to set those, too?? lol... well, there's the problem then.

Another thing you should know is ... I have trouble asking for HELP!! Not that I think I know it all, I would just rather do it or figure it out myself than to burden someone with helping me.... Yes, I said BURDEN someone! I know I am not the easiest person to work with .... I have ideas in my head and I cannot get them out in a clear and concise manner because they are caught in a RipTide (which is actually my thought process) and they change at a rate that, even I, can't keep up with! So, to ask someone to HELP me would be like asking someone to let me poke them in the eye with a rusty needle! I care too much about my family and friends to put them through that. The truth is .... I'm Picky and I Have to have it MY WAY!! hehe.... I'm strong enough to admit that! It's no secret so no need to whisper behind your hand! 8D ... So far, it hasn't stopped anyone from coming to me when they want Goodies ... Pronto!! <3

I know many people whom are their own worst critics! This is MY biggest problem! Once I finish a request, no matter what it is, I immediately have Doubters Remorse! Will they like it? Did I make too much? Charge too much? ... too large? ... not enough? Did I go OVERBOARD? LOL.... I know, I know, Just Relax! That word, my Friends, is not in my vocabulary when it comes to baking! I am so lucky to have the support group that I have when I have a Big Job to complete. These are the few people I can send a text, call, Rant & Rave to at my worst moments ... no matter the time! They will get up at anytime of day or night (and it's happened more times than I can count) and go with me on an emergency run for whatever product I have forgotten to get. I really appreciate this and, right at this moment, I won't call out names for fear of slighting someone who's been there for me ... but you all know who you are! Thank You So Much!!

So, Yes, I am a Nut Job! But as I get older and more and more people are asking to be taught, I like to think I am mellowing. Haha... did I just hear some scoffs out there?? I am Mellowing .... I am.... I AM!! No Cookies For You!! I try to keep the same attitude as when I work with my students at work .... It's not important how I see it, It is important how THEY see it!

These were just thoughts I needed to get out of my head. Thank You for your time and for coming along with me on my journey to ..... well, I'm still not sure about that! Stop Pushing Me!! hehe! I will be back later in the week with a cake for my Great-Nephews and I hope to get a few Valentine ideas out for you before the Big Day! .... tsk.... I said I'd TRY!! ; )   ~Happy Baking ...... & don't forget your Apron!



Happy Birthday, Pidgeon! ; )

Last week, I made plans to have coffee with my friend to catch up. Right away visions started swirling, in my one-track mind, of what I was going to bake to have with our delicious, gourmet coffees. The place we go offers a nice variety, but I was in the mood for something different. My friend is sort of a Health Nut and keeps suggesting (begging) me to make some tasty protein bars. With the very best of intentions, I assure you, I went to the store to get inspired. This was the day I was going to impress her!

Todays List
I can't tell you what happens to me when I get into a grocery store, but, my mind goes blank! Even though I have my ever faithful notepad in hand, with the basics listed, I almost NEVER follow it! I came out with a box of white cake mix & a bottle of Wild Cherry Boones Farm wine. Sorry, Friend! ....  Maybe next time.
I know you are saying to yourself, "What The... ??" Did I mention that when baking ... add in whatever sounds good? Well, I don't know about you, but I had a hard time passing that bottle of wine ... I mean, it's WILD CHERRY, for Gosh Sake's!! So, now  you're wondering ... How does that work?? I see the directions on the back of the box as suggestions. It says water, but isn't that liquid? So if you substitute wine for water, who's gonna know? The cake mix doesn't know you're pulling a fast one on it ... so Do It! Actually, you can substitute any liquid ... things like, soda, juice, alcohol (WooHoo!!), that's always fun! Let your imagination go wild!!  We'll talk about switching the other ingredients another time. Boy are you in for a Surprise!
 So, I get home and my friend texts to ask if I want to throw in a HIKE!! Isn't it funny how HIKES rhymes with YIKES!?! lol... I would rather walk to Timbuktu and back than go on a hike ... and she knows this, but she promised it will be an easy one. I text her, a very skeptical yes ... and immediately, all guilt for making something very unhealthy for our snack, flies right out of my head! I figured we were even .... right??  Of course, we are .... Who's side are you on, anyway?? 
Ok, back to the cake >> I always get all the ingredients out at once because I will end up walking as far as Timbuktu, all over my kitchen, if I get them when needed. I empty the mix into Sweetie (my mixer), pour in a packet of vanilla instant pudding, crack the eggs into a bowl (noone likes to bite into an eggshell, Believe Me!!) OMGOSH!! I didn't have oil! Grrr. I look around the kitchen for something ... there's no mayonnaise, either! Yes, I said mayonnaise! (another story). Luckily, in the fridge, I had applesauce. It creates Fantastic moisture!  Finally, I measure out the alotted liquid (in this case, Wild Cherry Wine! 8D).  Here's the important part; for Adults only, make sure to pour an extra cup in case you need to add more! I say pour into a cup because ... C'mon!! That bottle is sitting right next to you on the counter, daring you to take a swig out of it! You won't be able to resist it! Believe Me!! To give Boone's Farm it's proper dues .... it has to be straight out the bottle! Am I right??

As you can see, the extra wine was needed. I felt the batter was too thick. So I added a little more wine. Then, a little more ... then, a little more. I used the x-large muffin pan because you're gonna have 2 anyway, right? So why not just have a really Big one! That way, you can say *through a mouthful* "I only had ONE!!" I have never had such perfect cupcakes and I'll be darned if I know how I did it, but, I filled the muffin cup almost to the top. I'd say 4/5ths full and they rose perfectly! The Baking Angels must have been smiling down on me.
The frosting on top is cream cheese, whipped to light and fluffy ~ then whipped cream folded in. Now, to me, the best part of all of it is the Presentation! You're just going to Love what you're eating if it looks pretty, too! At least, I do. I had some pretty sprinkles and, of course, a chocolate covered cherry on top, which you can get at any grocery store in the candy section. 

You're wondering about the hike, aren't you?! Well, Yes, she did take it easy on me... a very flat, peaceful nature walk. I Loved it! Especially because there were no sides of a hill to climb. At the coffee shop, as usual, the company was fantastic but, I felt a little bad about her dogs because they sat at my feet just waiting for me to drop something. Poor things... not a crumb! Two very nice women stopped to say hi to the dogs and I gave them the extra cupcake I had... one asked for my card (next on my list) but I gave her my number instead. Later that evening, I got a call from a complete stranger telling me "...that cupcake was amazing!" (lol... I'm paraphrasing, because I didn't write down exactly what she said), but the sentiment was the same. Thank You, Monique, for the wonderful call and compliment! You have no idea what that did for me ... I still smile when I think about it!" So, I urge you to try this... it's quick, simple & delicious!  ~Happy Baking ... & don't forget your Apron!


Addicted to Flour & Sugar!

Hi, my name is Becky and I am addicted to flour and sugar! I would love to be elbows deep, one arm in flour and the other in sugar.. just feeling the velvety coolness envelope my forearms and run through my fingers ... haha .... ok, maybe too much information on my first day. I don't do this, really, because Frankly .... that's Gross! And Unsanitary! ... but don't tell me you aren't looking at that picture and not wondering what that would feel like! wink-wink. So, now you know how weird I am. Seriously, I Love flour and sugar because they can be formed into so many wonderful things and most times with just one or two things added to it. I think it's Amazing and hopefully, somewhere down the line I will get at least one person to understand what I'm talking about.

I'm here to show you that ANYONE can bake and with that, here is my first victim and ... hehe... my Favorite! I asked my Great-neice, "Want to make Brownies?" without even glancing at me, she said, "Wait ... Not Yet!" Well! How dare I interrupt an intense episode of  'Bob-Bob'! It's amazing, the concentration a 3-year-old has when watching Spongebob! Not yelling, singing nor dancing (and I know you are picturing me doing this) can break the trance. Her little hand shoots out and just flicks me off to the side with her little brow furrowing in irritation. That's what I am to her, I think, a Pesky Gnat ... too big to swat away.  Even when I stick my face in front of hers, she just leans over to the side, never blinking nor breaking contact with 'Bob-Bob'! If I could just channel that into my baking ... Boy, I'd be rolling in dough! Hahaha .... get it? Dough? Baking?

 Uh-Oh!! I've got my work cut out for me! Isn't she ADORABLE?? I know, right?  That's what this look is for... she wasn't too pleased with our gushing over her. Hmm... I wonder where she gets that from? She's going to start a blog about this blog when she's older .... I just know it!

 I Love how her little face changed completely once she settled in with the mixing, though. I cannot describe how much it thrills me that she likes it! She may not grow into Loving it, but hopefully, it will be a fond memory for her as she grows up. You're thinking .... SHE'S 3!!! Hey, I remember stuff from when I was 1, so.... it could happen!

 While I have her now, her little mind all fresh and playdoh-y like, why not have a little fun? Noone else will pay attention to me and who knows, if she's anything like her Mama .... She might be my Boss one day! Oh, and Thank you, Sweetie, for letting me borrow your baby for a bit. I always have the Best time with her! And guess what .... Jayden's next!! (she hopes, she hopes, she hopes!)

Brownies are simple. You can't mess them up! Gooey, fudgy, cakey, crunchy ... All Good! The secret is to make them taste like they're from scratch. Add whatever you think will taste good. Since I felt like chocolate & Peanut butter, we used Nutella to spread over the top. According to Sienna, since her eyes rolled into the back of her head, they were Delicious!






I wish these pictures had sound. She repeated everything I said, like she really knew what she was doing. As I said, "So simple." (#1) We used a generic brand of brownie mix. Any kind will do and we followed the directions on the package. No special ingredients just yet. The directions will vary by package. (#2) Stir just until the dry ingredients are moistened.... and for Gosh Sake's ... Don't forget to SMILE!! (#3) Scoop the Goop into a greased 8x8 pan. (#4) Generously spread the Nutella on top and swirl into the batter with a toothpick. Don't lick the spoon and try to dip into the batter again like Sienna did. That's all there is to it. Yeah ... the hard part is waiting for them to finish baking and cool down enough to pop into your mouth. Hanging onto my leg for an hour yelling, "BECKY! CAKE-CAKE DONE!!" will not make them be done any faster.
 To me, these were the BEST brownies ever! How much fun do you think I had baking these? GASP!! There It Is!! That's my whole point ... Do something because you LOVE it and it makes you feel good.  Don't let someone dictate how well or how bad .. hmm ... maybe just, HOW you do something. If it comes from within your Heart ... the only approval you need is your own!

 With that ..... Happy Baking & Don't forget your Apron!